The BAM Mascot Family Blog

Build Corporate Identity Using a Fully Customized Mascot

Written by Angie Maxine | Nov 23, 2017 4:06:00 PM
Corporate identity can create a successful brand experience for customers. If a customer knows and likes a company, they are most likely to look for them when wanting to purchase a certain product, but if a customer can connect with the company's identity, they are most likely to buy from them. 
With today’s competitive marketing industry, companies are looking for different solutions to reach out to their customers, and different ways for customers to engage with their brand.
A mascot can provide limitless opportunities for encouraging people to connect with your brand. They help a brand come alive, and in the right situation, the mascot is able to interact with the customer giving them an unforgettable experience. 
There are many types of mascots to choose from, so before you decide which one is the best for you, here are a few tips on how to create a corporate identity using mascots: 
Every Detail Matters
When creating an effective brand mascot character, every detail matters. Make sure you pick the right color schemes (make sure it connects to your company's colors, logo, etc), body type, facial expression and name. Give your mascot a name that fits your character’s personality or backstory.
Since picking a name for your character is very important, a good way to do it is by having your audience participate. For example, you can run online contests asking for help to choose the name of your new mascot. By getting people involved and making them feel like they are a part of the process, you will connect them with your brand right away. 
Always keep in mind that you want to use your mascot to strengthen your brand image, so you need to pay attention to every detail when creating your own. 
Make Sure the Mascot Symbolizes the Spirit of the Company 
You want people to look at your mascot and connect with your brand’s mission and goals, and you want the audience to feel the spirit of your company when looking at the mascot character. 
Remember that by creating a mascot, you are creating a 3-dimensional, walking (and perhaps talking) corporate identity. Your mascot needs to be carefully chosen, and most importantly, needs to deliver the right message. 
It is very important to understand the impact of a positive brand image. By having a strong brand image, you will be able to develop emotional connections with your customers and develop a relationship with them. 
Create a Mascot that Appeals to your Target Market 
In order to create a mascot that appeals to your target market, you need to do some research on your audience. Understanding who you are creating the mascot for is the key to build a successful identity. 
The first step is to have a backstory for your mascot. You can simply create one by using your own creativity or create a backstory based on the history of your company. However you do it, the backstory is important to introduce your mascot to your audience, and to help you spread the character’s message. 
Mascots can engage an audience, bring people together and create memories. If your goal is to build a strong connection with your audience and improve your company’s public presence, a mascot may be a winning strategy. 
You want your mascot to be exclusively yours, so when your target audience sees it - they will immediately connect to your brand. 
Use Social Media 
This is where you can run the show, and where magic can happen. Social media gives you the tools to make your mascot come alive and interact with your audience.  “ Social media has made icons and mascots a much more interactive component of brand’s story” Kristopher Caulfield wrote in “Analyzing the effects of brand mascots on social media”.
When you think of direct interaction with customers, social media is the perfect tool to help you with that. If the right effort and time is put into building your new mascot’s social media presence, the results will come. Posting photos that show your mascot engaging with people will increase your brand visibility, and help develop trusting relationships with your customers. 
Remember that all brands need to have good interaction with their customers, and they want to be remembered by their audience. Having a strong visual identity will definitely help.
A well-designed vibrant mascot can improve communication with customers, and help you interact with them. This will help build a strong corporate identity, and long-term recognition for your company and brand.

Let's get started! Visit for more information about creating fully customized mascots for your business.